Latest — Feb 12, 2025 Neurotech landscape: the gap between application diversity and modality uniformity Reflections from a neurotech hackathon in London
(Empire) state of mind: preparing for NY BCI Symposium 2024 A selection of papers and links related to the agenda of the NY BCI Symposium
(Im)poster syndrome: preparing for Neuroscience 2024 A selection of posters from Neuroscience 2024 that might help bring general-purpose BMI closer
Neurotech monthly. February-June 2024 Stimulation and cognitive abilities, encoding and false memories, flexible/injectable electrodes of shapes and forms, printing electronics on the cranium, intrinsic and input-driven neural dynamics, mental imagery and silent speech, neurotech and international security, 13 funding announcements
Investor notes from the fields of LabWeek at Edge Esmeralda 2024: neurotech frontier Notes from LabWeek and adventures in the SF area: SOTA BCIs, brain emulation, organoids, labs, communities, funders, and regulation
Neurotech monthly. January 2024 Temporal interference, endovascular fUS, transparent electrodes, new implantation approach, organoids, transformers and RNNs. Does Silicon Valley rule neurotech? Onera, NeuroBell, Motif Neurotech, and others raised capital
Investor notes from the fields of the Neural Interfaces Summit 2023: medtech and consumer Notes from a prime conference covering recent progress in invasive and non-invasive neurotech & BCIs and how it could be accelerated
Neurotech monthly. September - December 2023 Ultrasound for epidural BCI, biopsy, and stimulation. Temporal interference and in-ear EEG. Neuropixels for speech sound encoding and protocols for using them. Foundation model for EEG. Precision Neuroscience buys a factory, Arctop, Carthera, Sonera, Prophetic, and others raise funding
Neurotech monthly. August 2023 High-performance speech neuroprosthesis, speech, image, & music reconstruction from ECoG, EEG, & fMRI, in situ organic bioelectronics assembly, Neuralink's fresh funding, a story of a visual implants pioneer